When you sell your car or trade it in to buy the latest motor town new car offering, you open yourself up to risks. These include how much value it will retain, and whether or not it will provide trouble-free motoring. There has been a rash of recalls lately, and there are no signs of this abating. While the repairs themselves are free, customers experience other costs including using taxis when their vehicles are in the workshop. However I believe that sudden design changes are by far the greatest risk you face, especially when you sell your car and buy one with a design that is as absurd as the Nissan IDx. I hope you didn’t, because the IDx is fingered to morph into something marginally better-looking. This is going to trash the current version’s value although in itself is a good idea. This is the rationale for buying a quality used car for much, much less, and with all these hurdles bypassed in a nutshell. Speak to me if you want to sell your car to upscale or to downscale, and I will offer you a bargain price. Take care, Kane