Some Old Mobiles Keep on Rolling

When the Subritzky family decided to relocate from Poland to Australia more than a century ago, they brought a brand new 1903 Oldsmobile curved-dash open tourer with them.

The enterprising car buyers loaded it as deck cargo on the Greyhound ocean liner, so they could use it to putter around when the ship stopped to take on passengers and coal.

They made cars to last in those days. After the Oldsmobile smashed into a tram in 1904 they just replaced a few bits of wood so their faithful steed kept soldiering on, as it has to this day.

The current owner has a spare motor on the basis that ‘if you have a spare you won’t need it’ which makes sense. Back in 1903 car buyers invested in quality they knew would last. It’s a pity we can’t say the same today. Every week another batch of new cars gets recalled.

Increasing numbers of Australians are flocking to The Car Buyers used car showroom because they know they can’t afford to take a chance.

Take care, Kane